Friday, December 11, 2009

Away for travelling~

wee....sorry guys, bear will be away for a week ya..

She is going for a let bear recharge her battery before starting a new journey.

Here cant type chinese character (@ kl's cyber while waiting for bf's fren to fetch us)oh..

I'l share my new experiences & memories during vacation after i back ya~(if im not lazy lar..keke)

Since i've much time here at cyber,lets share a bit la.

i reached LCCT lastnight around 1130pm, then dear's friend (ah Ho) came to fetch us.....along the way,there was so much fun between the 2 guys cause they have not meet each other for u can imagine the condition the time we reached his house it's already 130am lor..

This morning, Ah Ho brought us to KTM station before he heading for work. He's such a nice friend hoh hiao ar (translate in hokkien..for those who know).
Then i went to find my sis to see my newborn neice and toom some pictures for her grandparents to see. Then we went to Sunway Pyramid shopping with my sis's family.
Around 2pm,me and bf took ktm fr subang to kl sentral then took lrt to wangsamaju to meet my best buddy ~Mui Chyi. Uhhmm...but she seems a bit busy wo..hehe cause her parents is coming to KL also. But finally we met up.Felt so happy.
Uhmm.....sorry guys,this time i din upload photos cause i din bring cabel. It's time for me to go liao..cza ah Ho is coming...hehe.

Opss....gonna leave lor...cause ah Ho is on the way to fetch us. see ya~

Monday, December 7, 2009



那就看看熊今天做了什么事吧。。。Hmm....一早起床,吃完早餐,看完报纸,洗了一大桶的衣服(先说明,是用手洗的噢)。。。就开始制作给dear 的四周年纪念礼物咯。因为我俩的纪念日刚好是我们去旅行的时候,所以就提早庆祝了。^x^

中午呢,熊就下厨煮蚝油日本豆腐(从‘好吃’那里学来的)。。。味道还不错哦!dear 说好吃。 然后呐,我们就去补习所大扫除。。。

四点多,dear 本想要去kenyalang 的邮政局还水电费的。。。哪知“sorry bos,sudah tutup!" 好咯,我们就到附近的商店逛逛,吃喝下午茶。。呵呵呵。。

然后呢五点多,dear 的朋友约我们去sejingkat 钓鱼。也好啦,去看看反正我们也闲着。

哈哈,两个大男人在钓鱼。。熊呢?去抱树睡觉?没有啦,熊在自拍和捐血咯(给蚊子)。。。双脚共有十多粒蚊子的kiss 噢!够力咯!




dear 拍的


dear & bear