虽说今天是砂劳越的公共假期,但本熊还得工作呢!没法子啦,助人为快乐之本嘛! 所以答应好学生中午去他家教化学。教完他后,他的妈妈还拿了一袋的红毛丹带回家。哇,真不好意思啦!
赶紧把东西带回家就跟dear 的车子去补习所。不知怎么的,这几天我的头老是昏昏的。。。应该是热到了吧!哈哈,dear 在教书,我就在休息房里睡大觉。
dear 本想教完补习后,去买些材料然后回他家。。。他说要亲自下厨煮西餐给我吃。哇,好感动哦!但最后因为时间太迟了,若煮好了,熊肯定饿死了! ;p 所以他决定带我去 Albert & Michelle (RIchmond place) 吃咯!
我点了 BBQ beef rib & mussels, dear 点了BBQ pork rib & mussels。还好我们只点了半人份量,不然可要浪费了。
dear took this pic
BBQ beef rib & mussels
BBQ pork rib & mussels
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
开心 @ 21.10.09
最近这几天脾气有些坏,也许是因为天气热的关系吧!可怜的小学生们一做错事就会被我骂咯!也因为这样和男友闹别扭。。。不过还好, 一切都过去了。
另一个让我开心的是--〉我终于买到裙去喜宴了。我呀,很难找衣服的。。因为我‘矮’!有些连身裙套在模特儿身上很好看,但套在我的身上就怪怪了。今晚没家教,就约了爱诗去jalan song 看看衣服。来到一间蛮偏僻的店面,就进去看看。有善的店员让我只是陪爱诗来买衣服的我也趁机试试店里的衣服。哇,一试就适合自己。。当然把它买下咯。
好啦,买到战利品。。我俩就去附近的溏水园甜品屋喝糖水。我点了雪山杨枝?? (忘了后面两个字),爱诗点了火龙吐珠和怪味鸡。嘻,每样都好好吃/喝噢!因为店里的装潢是红色的,所以拍出来得照片也是红的咯!
另一个让我开心的是--〉我终于买到裙去喜宴了。我呀,很难找衣服的。。因为我‘矮’!有些连身裙套在模特儿身上很好看,但套在我的身上就怪怪了。今晚没家教,就约了爱诗去jalan song 看看衣服。来到一间蛮偏僻的店面,就进去看看。有善的店员让我只是陪爱诗来买衣服的我也趁机试试店里的衣服。哇,一试就适合自己。。当然把它买下咯。
好啦,买到战利品。。我俩就去附近的溏水园甜品屋喝糖水。我点了雪山杨枝?? (忘了后面两个字),爱诗点了火龙吐珠和怪味鸡。嘻,每样都好好吃/喝噢!因为店里的装潢是红色的,所以拍出来得照片也是红的咯!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sis's convo ~17.10.09~
Sorry for the late upload,i was kinda busy lately due to students' examination..
Today was my sis's diploma graduation...so i'm representing my parents (my dad was offshore so can't come back in time, while my mum gonna supervise the workers as my house was under renovation) to attend her convo at Riverside Majestic Hotel,chamber 3.
Suppose i have a home tuition at 3pm,but i'd arranged the time with my student for replacement on the coming monday (so monday gonna be a busy day for me T_T ). ok..don't talk so much of crap here...let's get into the topic....
My sis dressed up herself around 10am and waited me to help her make-up. Wow...it's my time to show my talent now hehe...don't look down on me oh as i've been trained by my ex-colleagues on grooming when i was at PTPL.
After everything was done,we left around 1130am (it has been too early for me as the convo starts at 2pm). No choice,im the driver and all the graduans were required to reach the hotel by 1230pm to fix the gown...stuff like that...
when i reached the hotel,sis went to the fitting room to fix her gown, while me? Guess what im doing? Standing outside the chamber don't know what to do...looked so stupid. call & text dear-->no reply,100% must be in the dream. Text my angel--> no reply also, must be busy on his business plan. Last choice,text my best buddy Alice-->yeah, she called me up! But the line coverage was not that good,so we ended our conversation.
There was a booth selling gifts & flowers in front of me. I bought a cute teddy bear for my sis. After sis came out from the fitting room,there's plenty of time so we decided to took graduation photo at the mini studio. Once in a lifetime mar.I knew she was a bit sad cause our parents can't came along and took photo together. Then we went into the hall. It was an hour earlier so i manage to get the front seat. lol...guess what im doing there? Of course sleeping la...bored! Finally then ceremony started with speeches by the VIPs and then presenting scroll to the graduans. Most of the graduans were bumiputra...so,u should know how they behave....shouting,boo,whistling when their friend receiving their scroll. ><" It ended around 4pm,we took some pictures before we left the hall..Phew,what a tiring day....
Hehe...and night time,dear brought me to pizza hut cause im craving it for several weeks already....Slurrp....the cheese....wah.. :p After dinner, we went to Fashion.news at jln Tun jugah to search for my dinner dress on my friend's wedding dinner. I tried few dresses,finally dear had chosen a pink dress which really took my courage to wear it...i'l show it to u guys on my friend's wedding reception.
Today was my sis's diploma graduation...so i'm representing my parents (my dad was offshore so can't come back in time, while my mum gonna supervise the workers as my house was under renovation) to attend her convo at Riverside Majestic Hotel,chamber 3.
Suppose i have a home tuition at 3pm,but i'd arranged the time with my student for replacement on the coming monday (so monday gonna be a busy day for me T_T ). ok..don't talk so much of crap here...let's get into the topic....
My sis dressed up herself around 10am and waited me to help her make-up. Wow...it's my time to show my talent now hehe...don't look down on me oh as i've been trained by my ex-colleagues on grooming when i was at PTPL.
After everything was done,we left around 1130am (it has been too early for me as the convo starts at 2pm). No choice,im the driver and all the graduans were required to reach the hotel by 1230pm to fix the gown...stuff like that...
when i reached the hotel,sis went to the fitting room to fix her gown, while me? Guess what im doing? Standing outside the chamber don't know what to do...looked so stupid. call & text dear-->no reply,100% must be in the dream. Text my angel--> no reply also, must be busy on his business plan. Last choice,text my best buddy Alice-->yeah, she called me up! But the line coverage was not that good,so we ended our conversation.
There was a booth selling gifts & flowers in front of me. I bought a cute teddy bear for my sis. After sis came out from the fitting room,there's plenty of time so we decided to took graduation photo at the mini studio. Once in a lifetime mar.I knew she was a bit sad cause our parents can't came along and took photo together. Then we went into the hall. It was an hour earlier so i manage to get the front seat. lol...guess what im doing there? Of course sleeping la...bored! Finally then ceremony started with speeches by the VIPs and then presenting scroll to the graduans. Most of the graduans were bumiputra...so,u should know how they behave....shouting,boo,whistling when their friend receiving their scroll. ><" It ended around 4pm,we took some pictures before we left the hall..Phew,what a tiring day....
Hehe...and night time,dear brought me to pizza hut cause im craving it for several weeks already....Slurrp....the cheese....wah.. :p After dinner, we went to Fashion.news at jln Tun jugah to search for my dinner dress on my friend's wedding dinner. I tried few dresses,finally dear had chosen a pink dress which really took my courage to wear it...i'l show it to u guys on my friend's wedding reception.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
每当我伤心,难过和烦恼时,除了dear 。。第一个出现在脑海里的便是他~我的护守天使。和dear 吵架,工作上的压力及在我感到无助时,很自然地拿起手机传讯给他。。。
Sunday, October 11, 2009
轻松的约会 10.10.09
等dear 教完补习,学生回家了。。我们才去约会。平时的约会很普通的,就是去他家吃晚饭要不就在我家看电视。哈哈,其实一个月前,我一直吵着dear 带我去MBO看戏。看到德德儿和爱诗常常去戏院拍拖甜甜蜜蜜,我也好想去哦。而且我们也差不多两年没去戏院看电影了,无可奈何我们的时间配合不来,自们学生都要求加班因为pmr 将近。。。几乎每天见面但差肩而过。可悲吧!所以呢。。。。我们七点多到了spring,先去购买戏票。。我想看《吓倒笑》,但dear 说都知道故事了,没意思。我们就选择刚刚上映的Sorrogates,不知是什么戏来的。过后我们先去sugarbun 医肚子,dear 买了fish burger,还买了ice-cream 给我。。。。看照片就知我有多开心了(真幼稚)!我没点东西吃,因为下午的kolo mee 还没消化嘛!
吃饱后时间也差不多了,我们就去买零食。两个山芭佬,第一次到MBO,难免会闹出傻傻分不清楚的下衰动作。突然半路刹出“hi, teacher..how are u?u r coming watching movie wif ur gf ar? wad movie?oh, me too..." *-*" 原来是dear 以前教过的学生,他及家人也和我们看同一部电影。还以为是部关于金融风暴的戏。。原因-surro-> 导致金融风暴的人,gates->bill gates. 看,dear 是否在瞎猜?果然不是咯,是关于代理人的。。。详情我不说噢,说了就不精彩了。虽说只是看戏,但我觉得很幸福噢。。嘻嘻,dear 说我是身在福中不知福。。。还要求多多。 ;p 说的也是。
十点多戏看完了,dear 要回家关心‘翁菜炒尢鱼’。。。而我就撒网咯。
等dear 教完补习,学生回家了。。我们才去约会。平时的约会很普通的,就是去他家吃晚饭要不就在我家看电视。哈哈,其实一个月前,我一直吵着dear 带我去MBO看戏。看到德德儿和爱诗常常去戏院拍拖甜甜蜜蜜,我也好想去哦。而且我们也差不多两年没去戏院看电影了,无可奈何我们的时间配合不来,自们学生都要求加班因为pmr 将近。。。几乎每天见面但差肩而过。可悲吧!所以呢。。。。我们七点多到了spring,先去购买戏票。。我想看《吓倒笑》,但dear 说都知道故事了,没意思。我们就选择刚刚上映的Sorrogates,不知是什么戏来的。过后我们先去sugarbun 医肚子,dear 买了fish burger,还买了ice-cream 给我。。。。看照片就知我有多开心了(真幼稚)!我没点东西吃,因为下午的kolo mee 还没消化嘛!
吃饱后时间也差不多了,我们就去买零食。两个山芭佬,第一次到MBO,难免会闹出傻傻分不清楚的下衰动作。突然半路刹出“hi, teacher..how are u?u r coming watching movie wif ur gf ar? wad movie?oh, me too..." *-*" 原来是dear 以前教过的学生,他及家人也和我们看同一部电影。还以为是部关于金融风暴的戏。。原因-surro-> 导致金融风暴的人,gates->bill gates. 看,dear 是否在瞎猜?果然不是咯,是关于代理人的。。。详情我不说噢,说了就不精彩了。虽说只是看戏,但我觉得很幸福噢。。嘻嘻,dear 说我是身在福中不知福。。。还要求多多。 ;p 说的也是。
十点多戏看完了,dear 要回家关心‘翁菜炒尢鱼’。。。而我就撒网咯。
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